The professionals of Rittenhouse Smiles have undergone additional training and education in order to become experts in the methods and procedures concerning root canals. We are careful to preserve the integrity of your tooth and return your oral health to a more positive state. You deserve to smile, eat, and speak without feeling discomfort or pain. No matter what condition your tooth is currently in, we guarantee to return it to a more positive state of health.
Emergency Root Canal Procedure Appointments
The root canal is the small chamber within every tooth that houses dental pulp and nerves. The nerves are how your teeth detect temperature and pressure. Infection of the root canal affects the nerves, thus making oral functions like chewing and speaking uncomfortable, and sometimes even painful.
Many people don’t realize they are suffering from a root canal problem until it is too late. Your discomfort may be so bad that it feels impossible to lead a normal lifestyle. We are happy to offer emergency appointments to patients that need treatment right away. Our dentist never rushes to correct a problem but handles your case with the care you deserve. If your discomfort is making it impossible to lead a normal lifestyle, consult our office immediately for a root canal procedure.